
+234 700-288-6243

Cash Loan Application
About Me

First name *

Last name *

Date of birth *

Email address *

Phone number *


National Identification Number (NIN)

How did you hear about us? *

Your BVN *

Gender *

Nationality *

What is your nationality status *

What best describes you *

Vehicle make *

Vehicle model *

Vehicle year *

Body type *

Vehicle use *

How much do you believe your car is worth? *

Do you have a spare key? *

Engine capacity *

Desired loan amount (₦)

Desired monthly payment (₦)

Interest rate type

Desired interest rate (%)

Desired residual/balloon percentage (%)

Desired loan term

Desired repayment date

Is the vehicle currently comprehensively insured? *

Do you want to include a maintenance service plan in the loan offer? *

Do you want to subscribe to roadworthiness for the full term of the loan? *

Do you want to subscribe to licence renewal for the full term of the loan? *

Do you want to pay for your fees upfront or monthly as part of your installment? *

Do you want to pay for any of the following items upfront instead of financing it as part of the loan?

Vehicle Registration *

Insurance (First 12 months) *

Vehicle Tracking *

Maintenance Plan *

Credit Life Insurance *

Tyres *

I hereby consent that Autochek is allowed to make enquiries and access my credit information regarding my credit history with any credit bureau. I also consent to Autochek sharing my credit information with their banking partners as required by law in order to finalise or fulfil my loan agreement as part of this application. I consent that Autochek reports the conclusion of any credit agreement with me to the relevant credit reporting regulator. I hereby declare that the information provided by me is true and correct. *

Finance is subject to an approval based on your credit profile and affordability of the vehicle. The submission of this finance application will not result in the immediate reservation of this vehicle, nor will it guarantee the availability of this vehicle in the future. *

I agree to the: (a) terms and Conditions of the platform (https://autochek.africa/ng/terms-of-service) and the (b) privacy policy of the platform (https://autochek.africa/ng/privacy-policy) *